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Youth Empowerment Programme

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Why Join Yep






Gurudev Uvacha

Chinmaya Uvacha

It is a time when the youth of this modern world have to discover
their hidden potential and tap it to the maximum, thus unfolding
them into a beautiful personality and making them capable of
contributing toward the process of societal growth. Let us first get at least a hundred youngsters inspired, purposeful, sincere,dedicated, convinced of a cause, unfolded to the maximum, turned brilliant both in their academic studies as well as in their spiritual understanding of the culture of India, and thereafter it shall be the duty of these youngsters to bring in the others.

                                               - Swami Chinmayananda

A Glimpse Of YEP

Our Acharyas
A Glimpse Of YEP

Our Faculty


Swami Mitrananda - Mentor and Guide


Swami Swaroopananda- Global Head, Chinmaya Mission


Swami Swatmananda


Radhakrishnan Pillai - Author of Corporate Chanakya

Sunita Shankar

Sunita Shankar - Clinical Psychologist


Vishnu Karthik - Associate-Director (Projects) of The Heritage Group of Schools


Y.E.P training happens in a serene, beautiful gurukula environment, where the teacher and taught stay together in an ashram setting.Chinmaya Vibhooti, the Missions’ prestigious Vision is where the course in conducted, it is located in the midst of the picturesque Sahyadri Mountain range and is an hour’s drive from Pune .The course is designed in such a way that the Yuva Veers are exposed to, and get to learn from a variety of people. Besides the various Mission Acharyas, they are also taught by professionals from various fields of expertise. They get to dive into the scriptures while, public speaking sessions, training in presentations skills is also a part of the program. But it is not all work and no play; sports like volleyball, table tennis, Frisbee, Archery, tai chi have been added to the sporting activities. And that’s not all! Bhajans, movie workshops and festival celebration all find their place in the course too. How’s that for being a well –rounded course? Out bound experiential learning plays a big part of all YEP experiences, and that includes fire-walking, rappelling, night-walk, raft-building etc. At, YEP, there is no such thing as a typical day .Without even realizing it, the YEPsters learn to adapt and adjust from the very first week of their training period, being constantly kept on their toes. After all, if a change in schedule is difficult to deal with, then what about the ever changing circumstances in life?


This combination of Learn & Serve, by itself, culminates into Growth for a lifetime for a participant. This period of 14 months empowers the participant with a clearer vision for life and a new found confidence, enthusiasm to take on life and its challenges as opportunities!

It nurtures the patriot within each of us and develops us into empowered individuals ready to make a positive contribution to the nation!

So do you want to be just "someone" watching the changing tide from the shore or

"The One" cruising on the wave of transformation?

Say Yes to Growth! Say Yes to Excellence! Say Yes to be "The One".

Say Yes to YEP!

Come Learn, Serve, Grow the Yuvaveer way!



During the service period in YEP, every teaching is put into practice and put to the test.Apart from grassroots and project-based work in areas such as web content creation, video production, rural upliftment projects, teaching, marketing, fundraising, event organization, there are several AICHYK projects YEP can be a part of.YEP-1 did tremendous work for the national quiz “Awakening Indians to Awaken India”. Some of the masterpieces of CHYK Theater have been conceived by YEP batches, such as Surya108, Death and World Anthem.YEP literary work, presentations and seminars include For the Family, PACT, Gita for Yuva, DROP, RAM- the man of the Treta Yuga etc. The increasing demand for Yuva Veers to be assigned to Chinmaya Mission Centers across India is testimony to the success of the program and the positive impact that YEP has had on the organizations ‘s work.

YEP Schedule

Schedule Of A Day In YEP

The YEP Experience

Pratik Kanodia

The year that's changing my life

"Practice makes a man perfect. Beware of what you practice."

I thought I'd seen a lot when I was in college. Boy was I wrong.


Realization hit me, luckily, sooner than expected. I signed up for an year long programme that allowed me to travel, network, meet all sorts of people (funny, weird, angry, happy, foodie, businessmen and more), get to know the culture that I belong to, eat a variety of food literally every day (at a local's house, or a shop, or wherever I am), take up responsibilities, make an impact and much, much more!

I had to quit my job for this. A difficult decision at first but I now realise how small a price it was. Why? Because I got to finally pursue the mother of all questions - Who am I? Why am I here? Where did I come from? If I'm born to die, then why be born at all?

When we win a lottery, we want to tell everybody and treat them to a nice party. I've won something invaluable. I want to share it with infinity.


I had decided on travelling light. Trust me, It is extremely peaceful when you don't have to constantly worry about losing something. When can that happen?


When you don't own anything.


Transformation - Accepting that somebody can teach me more about what I'm best at, has become much more stress free and easy.

I smile a lot more; not because of, but in spite of.

Rohini Manohar

“Little did I know that, life as I knew it would change forever...

- Bungee Jumping

- Represent India in an arts festival in Bali

- Performed theatre shows all over India, HongKong and Singapore

- Gone on a motorbike rally to Leh and Ladak

- Coauthored a bunch of books

- Organised camps for no less than 700 kids

and so much more....

But MORE importantly - I have gained a Guru whose life and work ethic will forever be an inspiration, a mentor who has stood by me and helped through every single up and down in life, friendships that will last a lifetime and family that expands to the furthest reaches of the earth.

Rohini has now started her own yoga studio called "Chennai Yoga Studio".

Raghu Vamsy

“My vision of life before the Yuvaveer course was narrow - Youth today after all persist in believing the world revolves around them. I was no different. It has been a humbling experience and it spawned a degree of maturity I never imagined I would be the fortunate beneficiary of. Life became simpler to deal with knowing that what I experienced as an individual was insignificant in comparison to the bigger circus that was at play in the world out there. Most importantly it was all the exposure to the ancient wisdom of our Rishis and Preceptors that put everything in perspective. “

The YEP Experience

Post YEP

Post YEP

Vaishali Gandhi


Vaishali, from Mumbai, currently runs her own NGO called Srujna.She started this NGO post YEP and in her own words, she says,"YEP helped me to discover my swadharma.It has given me and anchor for life and tools to deal with challenges.I was placed in CORD during YEP and so got inspired to do social service"



Sumit is from South Sikkim and is very passionate about bringing a change in education. After serving in Chennai for few years, he is now starting his own school at his village Chalamthang in South Sikkim. We have named his school 'Gurudev Vidyalaya'.



Veeraj was studying for Bachelors in Information technology.He couldn’t picture himself in an IT job. Later, he participated in a value-based leadership program called Youth Empowerment Program (YEP), where he discovered his true inner calling – Photography!
After completing a course on professional photography from CMYK academy, Veeraj kick started his career as a professional photographer in 2012.

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