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Chinmaya Mission 

“World transformation through Individual Transformation! The world can only be changed by the spiritual unfoldment of each individual – not by political revolution, but by spiritual evolution.” – Swami Chinmayananda

The knowledge of Vedanta is used to inspire people of all age groups and interests in a method most relevant to them. Chinmaya Mission’s programs aim at achieving personal excellence and social responsibility in all people cutting across age groups through:

  • Balavihar for children

  • Yuva Kendra for the youth

  • Study groups and Devi groups for the adults

  • Vanaprastha Samsthan for senior citizens

  • Chinmaya Swaranjali for the Musically-inclined

These forums of learning, where individuals with varied personality types from myriad backgrounds discuss the principles of Vedanta amongst themselves and finally grow continuously towards lasting happiness.

Mission motto

To give maximum happiness to the maximum number for the maximum time.


The inner transformation of individuals through knowledge of Vedanta, spiritual practices and service to society, resulting in a happy world around them.


To provide to individuals from any background, the wisdom of Vedanta and the practical means for spiritual growth and happiness, enabling them to become positive contributors to society

Video on Chinmaya Mission

Spirituality without superstitions. Commitment without binding. Freedom without licentiousness. That’s Chinmaya Mission for the Youth. 


Studies beyond just education. Growth beyond just evolution. Convictions beyond just passion. That’s Chinmaya Mission for the Youth.
Service inspired by Spirituality. Activity inspired by Calmness. Wisdom inspired by Inner Silence. That’s Chinmaya Mission for the Youth.


Chinmaya Mission is not just an organization. Chinmaya Mission is a movement into Eternity, a noble resolve, a sacred journey, a highway to Happiness within and without. The logic of spirituality and the science of living, declared in Advaita Vedanta is the biggest contribution of Chinmaya Mission to the world at large. The principle of world-harmony and universal-happiness through individual transformation and mutual understanding is the basis of the Vision of Vedanta and so also of Chinmaya Mission. More than 250 centers in India, presence in 25 countries across the globe, more than 50 years of socio-spiritual service, more than 300 monks & tens of thousands of volunteers working tirelessly for years, millions of lives touched and transformed through one Vision, one Mission – The Chinmaya Mission.

About Us
A Movement

“Work is love made visible.” – Swami Chinmayananda

Chinmaya Mission is engaged in diverse fields of activity towards nation-building, cultural revival and service to society. Service at Chinmaya Mission is categorized into six different levels.


  1. Transform Individual Lives
    You can be an instrument of change in the life of any individual by helping/facilitating/hosting weekly learning forums.

  2. Inspire the Masses
    You can touch and transform millions by lending your heart and hand to the organizing of mega events, camps, workshops, corporate events, talks, yagnas, etc.

  3. Education and Healthcare
    You can teach in one of the 75 Chinmaya Vidyalayas, serve at the Chinmaya Mission Hospital, organize Chinmaya Arogya Seva programs, and more.

  4. Rural Projects
    You can contribute your time, efforts and love to the activities of CORD (Chinmaya Organisation of Rural Development) which has adopted 500 villages, empowered women, set up self-employment groups, rural banking, etc

  5. Break Out and Reach Out
    You can serve also in many innovative and creative ways by participating in cultural research at Chinmaya International Foundation (CIF), writing & editing material for the hundreds of magazines/books/publications, acting in theater & dance initiatives, etc.

  6. Serve Local and Grow Global
    Volunteer at one of the 300 centers of Chinmaya Mission in administrative or other activities as per need and interest.


“Our vision shall comprehend all mankind, all nations, societies and communities. Mankind is the theme of our devotion; he is our field of our worship.” – Swami Chinmayananda

Chinmaya Mission is actively engaged in nation-building and revival of our culture and heritage through extra-ordinary endeavours and unconventional projects like:

  1. Awakening Indians to India 
    A Nationwide quiz contest which reached out to 10 lakh youngsters and awakened them to the glory of India. The quiz was also telecast on Zee TV and mentioned in the Guiness Book of Records.

  2. Upanishad Ganga
    The first ever TV serial on Vedanta, telecast every Sunday 10 am on Doordarshan National Channel DD-1, inspires millions every week.

  3. Youth Empowerment Programme (YEP)
    A value-based leadership program for youngsters wishing to serve the country.

  4. Transforming Indians to Transform India
    A unique initiative to publish a book, organize a family quiz, do a rally and transform the country - not by amending laws or changing names of cities – but by transforming the most important person in the country – the Indian

More than just a Course

“The Chinmaya Mission will never teach you anything. But it is an organization where all come together to learn. The Science of Reality and the Path of God Realization are the main subjects that you will learn in the Chinmaya Institution. There are also subsidiary attempts such as sharpening your personality, blazing your intellect, oiling your emotions, refitting your relationships, recharging your convictions, replenishing your values – in short, you will DIE and in your place a more brilliant person will be born. If your are ready for this Self-resurrection, come to the cavalry – The Chinmaya Mission.” – Swami Chinmayananda

Chinmaya Mission offers several courses for people to study spirituality, get inspired and serve the society.

  • Youth Empowerment Programme (YEP) 
    A value-based leadership program for youngsters wishing to serve the country

  • Dharma Sevak Course
    A course for householders wishing to pursue spiritual study and service

  • Purohit Course
    A course for those seeking to perform traditional rituals with understanding and devotion

  • Samaj Sevak Course
    A course for those who want to be professionally trained in doing rigrous social service especially in rural India

  • Residential Vedanta Course 
    A course in various languages for serious spiritual aspirants

  • Postal and E-Vedanta Courses and Bhagavad Geeta Courses 
    Courses for those who wish to study the scriptures from home

  • Courses in Classical Music and Dance
    Courses conducted at Chinmaya Naada Bindu, a Gurukul for Indian Performing Arts

Come, study, serve and grow with Chinmaya Mission and discover your role in giving maximum happiness to maximum people for the maximum time. To know more about Chinmaya Mission and its activities and projects, refer to

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